In business, a journey is what you call something that is without direction or design. If you don’t have time or money to waste, the journey is also called the kiss of death. In government, it’s politics, red tape, and legacy systems. At the speed of business today, there’s no time for doing things the way they have always been done. Rather, modernization and innovation require analysis, assessment, and vision.
How much time do you have to make a decision? Even more pointed a question: how can you make crucial decisions if you’re operating in a vacuum, where you don’t have confidence in your data and analysis?
This is where we introduce the concept of Decision Science Management. Working across data sources, DSM aggregates your data, taking algorithms and planning the “What- If.” The Decision-Maker turns the knobs to view outcomes, records, and saves this business intel for use later. The beauty of Decision Science Management is that it facilitates much more than scenarios; it seeks results immediately, allows you to decide on a direction and measures at each step. You control the KPIs, the automated elements, and run the path you set.
Because financial or veritable lives are on the line, businesses must have a set of procedures and protocols that are traceable and provide transparency, accountability, and data across the organization. Ask any CIO and they have a plethora of tools that deliver some element of what’s needed. Each one organizes and provides pictures, charts, and dashboards but fails to provide an overall GPS roadmap that shows the known/experienced waypoints and challenges along the way. These tools do not provide the confidence to ensure people, protocol, data, and assets are aligned. Leaders seek accountability, metrics along the trail of business activity; in government, citizens and Congress demand the same.
Until we see the organization in a Decision Science Management process/protocol, your organization is destined to operate as a journey. Can you afford to lose to your competition or opponent?