McLean, VA – January 31, 2018 – CORAS, a pioneer in Work Management since 2003, announced today that the CORAS software solution for work management is now available as a mobile app in the Google Play Store or Apple App Store.
Access your Work Items and Groups of Items on the Fly
You are not agile if you are tethered to your computer. "Access to work items and team management has to be mobile today, addressing the perpetual motion of business, and the need to respond to rapid change," said Dan Naselius, President and CTO of CORAS.
Since the launch of CORAS for work management in Fall 2017, its responsive design adjusted to the screen size of mobile devices like tablets and even smart phones. However, the native mobile app experience in now ideal for phone mobile phone devices with smaller screens. The subset of features available on the browser version means the mobile access is designed for quick access and entry to essential work items, and groups of items, for a quick status update, new item entry, and more. Key features include:
• Access to Work Items
- Filtered by Group, Status, Date, or Assigned To
- Sorted by Date, Status, Group, or Title
- Update and Edit Work Items
- Create New Work Items
• Groups
- Summary by Not Started, In Progress, or Complete
- Item details by Group
- Update Group Work Items
• Notification of New Items or Changed Items
CORAS makes businesses agile, and we live by those agility principles as well. We are always growing and adapting to the needs of the business community and markets. We are eager to hear and respond to our customers’ experiences with the mobile app and our other services. The CORAS mobile app supports additional functionality and further allows our software customers to work anywhere they are, to respond and to adjust to information at the speed of business today. For further information, go to or contact us at (703) 797 1881 #41.
CORAS offers solutions in mid-market and enterprise level companies, including a flexible foundation for running your business; giving managers, project managers, and other stakeholders the tools they need to effectively manage their projects. This core project management functionality is supported by a wealth of other key features, including BI/Analytics and Process Improvement. CORAS additionally offers instructor-led training, as well as self-service, learning centers, online forums and other optimal resources.
Coras Headquarters 7918 Jones Branch Drive, Suite 850 McLean, VA 22102
Sales Information (703) 797 1881 ext. 41